The Ruark Kids

April 16, 2008
by John

Random Things

Some random things to remember later on: The breathy “yes” “Yes…please…ok!” When she drops food on the floor, Siena will sometimes call out, “Nalia!” (This being what we have said in order to get our hairy vacuum cleaner over to … Continue reading

April 16, 2008
by John

Dinner Discussion

Here is a shot of Siena having an animated discussion with her cousin Isabel. Can you see the Italian blood just coursing through their veins?

April 9, 2008
by John

Name Update

We noted before that Siena says her name “sya-sa.” Mom pointed out it’s actually more like “yes sa” or “es sah.” After paying some actual attention as opposed to my normal partly scattered brained approach, I realized she was, of … Continue reading

April 5, 2008
by John

I say tomato, you say

I say tomato, you say “May-tote.” That’s our little verbally dyslexic girl, and that’s currently our favorite word. Fortunately, she does not appear to be too allergic to tomatoes, though we had a scare earlier in the year when Nonna … Continue reading