In the past few weeks we have measured Siena’s height, and this past weekend I got her up on a scale.
- Height: 42″
- Weight: 40 lb
Notably, in addition to equating to eight bags of sugar, her weight now qualifies her for a booster seat (woo hoo!).
I checked the CDC growth charts at, and at 40.5 months and 106.68 cm, Siena is taller than:
- 97% of girls her age (3 years 4 months)
- 90% of girls age 4
- 50% of girls age 4 years 9 months
- 5% of girls age 6
She’s taller than almost half of the girls who just turned five! I did a little shopping at Baby Gap today (gift cards burning a hole in my wallet), and her height and weight are exactly the boundary for Baby Gap 4-year and 5-year clothing. I bought her 5-year clothing today since I don’t want her to outgrow it too soon.