The Ruark Kids

Cat in the Hat Memory Challenge


Until tonight I hadn’t read Cat in the Hat to Siena in a long time, probably six months. It was interesting to see how little of it she remembered. She used to be able to complete many of the sentences if you started them for her, for instance, “I let down my net, it came down with a…” and she’d say “PLOP” while smacking the page. Every time. Tonight, I said, “I let down my net, it come down with a…” and then there was this long pregnant pause followed by her saying “bang.”

It’s so interesting to see her start to forget things. I believe she’s forgotten the trip to the beach from a year and a half ago, and I think she’s also forgotten some details of our trip to the Aquarium last year.

On the plus side, she’s very close to reading several words; she did well at spotting “cat” and “the” in the book tonight.

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