Siena took a little plastic red ball into bath with her tonight. She called it a water ball, then pretended it was a binky or a lollipop or some such. As such got out of the tub and I was drying her off, she held it up to her face and called it her nose. So I started singing Siena the Red-Nosed Baby:
Siena, the red-nosed baby,
Had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw it,
you would even say it glows.
At this point Siena stops me, and says, “no it’s her.” Now, this is perfectly normal for her to do when correcting me when I’m talking about one of her stuffed animals that I thought was a boy but she has decided for that day is a girl. In this case, I hadn’t said “him,” so I wasn’t sure what she meant by the correction in this song, but after looking up the lyrics later on I realized that it is “if you ever saw him,” which is how Siena knows it and what she thought I said. So points for her.
I started over, changing the two instances of “him” I do know of to a “her” (which I would have done anyway). I wasn’t prepared for what she would do next!
Siena, the red-nosed baby,
Had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw it,
you would even say it glows.All of the other babies
used to laugh and call her names.
They’d never let poor Siena
join in any baby games.Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
Daddy came to say [she corrects me to Santa]:
Siena with your nose so bright,
Won’t you guide my van tonight?Then all the babies loved her
as they shouted out with glee,
Siena the red-nosed baby,
you’ll go down in history!
And then Siena says,
No it’s herstory!