Siena went through an “oh yeah” phase a little after she turned two. Thalia might have hit it right around 20 months.
Last Sunday we were at our usual Sunday dinner hang out (NYAJ, of course). Thalia and Siena were splitting the kid’s pizza. I was having the chipotle chicken wanton salad (delish), and Mama had one of the best grilled mozzarella and tomato sandwiches this side (or perhaps either side) of the Mississippi, accompanied with tasty fries.
Thalia’s not been eating well of late, which is to say she hasn’t been packing it in and instead is eating presumably normal meals now, though sometimes light on the meat and heavy on the veggies, but who can complain at that, and she was just picking at her slice of pizza. (My claim is that she’s going through a growth lull.) Mama finished her sandwich but not her fries, and passed her plate over to me. Thalia made her usual proclamation of, “All done! All done!” but I took one of the fries, held it up in front of her face, and said, “Do you want a french fry?”
She looked at the fry, her eyes got very round and bright, and she said, “ooooh” and then, after a pregnant pause, “yeaaaah.” Mama and I just started howling; she said that what ran through her mind was, “There’s no way Thalia is just about to say yeah.”
It was one of those moments were I wish I had a video camera on the kids at all times, because I likely won’t capture her reaction like that again. Maybe I should hire a full-time paparazzi to follow the girls around to capture those great little moments. It would also get them prepared for the future. Right?
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