The Ruark Kids

Pictures from this weekend


Mama and I went to our friend Bridget’s wedding this weekend, and Nonna and Pops came by to babysit for the day. Bridget is one of the vet-school friends that helped Mama (and vice versa) get through vet school when she was also becoming a mom.

Here we are all dressed up (a rarity) and getting ready to go to the party. (By the way, I didn’t take any of these pictures; my camera is in the shop for shutter repairs. These were all by Nonna with her camera.)


Before we left, we picked veggies from our garden, including the very first tomato that Mama has ever grown on her own:


Here is Siena well underwater:


And Siena wearing a new summer dress we just got. We’re trying to figure out to whom we send these pictures to see if they want her to model for their catalog next time:



Finally, so she’s not left out, Thalia on a slide at the park:


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